Every year the Fruitvale-San Antonio Senior Center staff hosts a Thanksgiving Luncheon for Fruitvale’s seniors residents. This year there was lots of food, sangria, music and dancing. The luncheon is by far one of the top five events The Unity Council hosts for the Fruitvale community: Fruitvale seniors know how to celebrate!
The luncheon was a traditional Thanksgiving dinner prepared entirely by Obelisco Restaurant. Although the seniors loved it, one or two abuelitos [grandparents] did ask, why don’t you have tortillas and salsa? But seniors gave The Unity Council’s staff a free pass when they answered, “We don’t have tortillas. But we have sangria.”
Francisco Daza is one of the many seniors that were part of the Thanksgiving Luncheon. Francisco comes to the senior center almost every day and also lives in Casa Velasco, one of The Unity Council’s senior housing properties. After winning the raffle for one of the centerpieces, he said,
“I like coming to the center. I am never alone, and most people here speak Spanish so I can talk to almost everyone.”
Soon after he said that Francisco gifted his centerpiece to one of the staff members. It is impossible not to love Fruitvale seniors. Learn more about the Fruitvale-San Antonio Senior Center.