The Unity Council’s youth employment and career exploration programs (OYE and STEP) are looking to expand engagement with community partners.
Help us provide career and college exposure opportunities to our participants by exposing them to post-secondary opportunities and employers around the Bay Area.
Specifically, we are looking for established businesses in different sectors to host our students for either 80 hours or 250. We currently have placement sites in law, libraries, local small businesses, architecture, construction, education, and government; however, are in need of more sites to cover our growing number of participants and to diversify their options. We envision our participants learning about a career field they are interested in strengthening their skillsets and through mentorship.
You can provide a valuable career exploration experience
How does the internship process work?
- Youth participate in intervals of two to three months
- Flexible times and dates
- The Unity Council will cover youth payments and wages
- All participants are between the ages of 14 and 24 years old
If you are interested in hosting an intern or have any questions contact:
Jessica Peregrina at 510-535-1542, jperegrina@unitycouncil.com or Jessica Martin-Gonzalez at 510-535-3733, jessicamg@unitycouncil.org