Check out CalMatters’s recent video as Director of Community Programa Armando Hernandez and experts in nonprofit and social services sectors discuss the emerging needs for safety net services as a result of COVID-19. CalMatters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom committed to explaining California policy and politics. The experts also discuss how people can help the less fortunate.
The panelists include:
- Jessica Bartholow, policy advocate at Western Center on Law and Poverty
- Cathy Senderling-McDonald, deputy executive director of the County Welfare Directors Association of California
- Armando Hernandez, community programs director at The Unity Council in Oakland
“The needs we are hearing from the community is that there are so many people concerned with not being able to pay rent for April and May. That’s going to be the most immediate needs that we plan for. Even though there is an eviction moratorium in Oakland, people are still carrying debt and that is going to impact families and individuals specifically for families who wouldn’t qualify for unemployment or other sources of relief.” – Armando Hernandez, Director of Community Programs at The Unity Council.
Click here for a list resources discussed during CalMatters webinar.