Do you remember your first interview? The nerves, all the questions, not knowing what to respond or how to respond, figuring out how to talk about yourself in the most professional way possible. It can definitely be overwhelming, especially if you are a teenager.
But our Oakland Youth Engaged (OYE) youth are no longer intimidated by the job interview process. This spring, as part of their career exploration curricula, OYE youth participated in mock interviews with The Unity Council staff.
All youth got to interview with a staff member and received feedback on their responses and suggestions on how to better response. When asked about the mock interview, an OYE youth responded,
“This was my favorite workshop because I got to see what a real interview would be like.”
The goal of this workshop exercise is to prepare all youth do their best at their job interviews. Before the mock-up interviews, the youth are thought about body language, dress code, and basic communications skills.
About Oakland Youth Engaged (OYE)
Oakland Youth Engaged (OYE!) is a free career exploration and work readiness program for youth. The program is open to Oakland youth between the ages of 14-20 years old. We gladly accept undocumented youth, foster youth, probation youth and others.
OYE develops young people’s employment skills, leadership, and self-confidence through workshops, community service opportunities, and hands-on work experiences. OYE is divided into two phases: a workshop phase, and a career exploration phase.
Interested in Joining OYE? Click here to access the OYE Application.