The Golden State Warriors Foundation and the Chase Center made this holiday season unforgettable for 32 youth from our Latino Men & Boys (LMB) and Oakland Youth Engaged (OYE) programs. Our youth and eight staff chaperones spent Christmas day at the Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers game at Oracle Arena. As part of the […]
Disney-Pixar Gifts Head Start Families Tickets to Watch COCO
This past Saturday, November 18th, 200 parents and children from our Head Start & Early Head Start program were part of an exclusive screening of the Disney-Pixar’s movie “Coco” at the Regal Jack London movie theater. The exclusive and completely free screening was part of Disney-Pixar’s sponsorship for the Fruitvale Dia de los Muertos Festival; […]
Thanksgiving Luncheon at the Fruitvale-San Antonio Senior Center
Every year the Fruitvale-San Antonio Senior Center staff hosts a Thanksgiving Luncheon for Fruitvale’s seniors residents. This year there was lots of food, sangria, music and dancing. The luncheon is by far one of the top five events The Unity Council hosts for the Fruitvale community: Fruitvale seniors know how to celebrate! The luncheon was […]
Fiestas Navideñas de Fruitvale
Fruitvale Chrismas Tree Lighting / Iluminación del Arbol de Navidad de Fruitvale WHEN: Saturday, December 2nd at 6 PM WHERE: At the corner of International Blvd. and 35th Ave. Chrismas Carols / Posadas y Villancicos WHEN: Saturday, December 16th, starting at 4:00 PM WHERE: At the corner of International Blvd. and 35th Ave. After caroling, we […]
Top 5 Altares at the 2017 Dia de los Muertos Festival
The Dia de los Muertos Festival is host to 20-30 traditional ofrendas that invite spirits in the afterlife to be memorialized. This year there were twenty-eight artists and community members that worked on large installations of Dia de los Muertos altares (day of the dead altars). Although each altar was unique, topics like immigration, gun control and mass shootings, […]
Financial & Housing Workshops
Finding Affordable Housing – 101 Workshop If you’re looking for a new place but don’t know where to start, we can set you off on the right track. In this workshop, you will get a step-by-step overview of the affordable housing process and tools for how to navigate it. When: January 25th, 4 – 5 […]