The Invest in Youth: Pathways to Success Boys and Men of Color Career Summit will provide boys and men of color (BMoC) between the ages of 18 to 29 with opportunities to interview with employers, connect to community resources, and participate in career preparation and leadership development training!
The event is open to ALL young adults (ages 18–29), but focuses on addressing employment barriers that impact boys and men of color. We strongly recommended that young adults register for the Career Summit ahead of time to minimize wait times on the morning of the event (we are expecting long lines for walk-ins who are not registered).
Featured activities and resources include:
- Hiring Pavilion
- Hands on Experience and Workshops
- Community Resource Fair
- Raffle Prizes
- Celebrity appearance by Marshawn Lynch!
Event details:
Thursday, July 21st, 9am – 3pm
Oakland Convention Center
550 10th St, Oakland, CA 94607
Registration is Free! To Register visit:
The BMoC Career Summit is brought to you by The California Endowment, the California Executives’ Alliance, the City of Oakland, the Ford Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, and My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBKA) in collaboration with four regional project partners responsible for launching the Bay Area BMoC Employment Project: Bay Area Council, LeadersUp, PolicyLink, and Urban Strategies Council.