Do not stress about the resume, job search, and interview. The Unity Council’s Fruitvale Neighborhood Career Center can help you search and apply for a job!
- How?: Virtual Job Readiness Workshops
- When? Ongoing – click on the sign-up button below to see the schedule
Workshops topics include:
- Job Search
- Resumes
- Networking and Elevator Pitches
- Interviewing
- Customer Service and Professionalism in the Workplace
ZOOM TROUBLES? Need assistance with downloading and operating zoom ahead of one of these workshops reach out to Luis Arevalo at larevalo@unitycouncil.org.
QUESTIONS? Call (510) 535-6101 or email careercenter@unitycouncil.org
DO YOU NEED ACCESS TO A COMPUTER FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH? The Fruitvale Neighborhood Career Center’s computer lab located at 1900 Fruitvale Avenue in Oakland is available to you! To access the computer lab, make an appointment over the phone at (510) 535-6101 or email careercenter@unitycouncil.org.