Jesse says being a client of The Unity Council has drastically changed his life for the better. He first learned of TUC as a participant of the Talent Development Academy, a paid transit exploration training in partnership with AC Transit and Piikup. Jesse completed the six-week program with the skills and confidence to apply for his Class B Permit and was able to pass the test. With the help of the program, the Fruitvale resident is one step closer to pursuing his dream career as a bus operator.
Once the program ended, Jesse landed a job with Peralta Service Corporation (PSC), TUC’s social enterprise. Jesse enjoys his job; he has a great relationship with his peers and he also receives supportive services for his entire family.
In May, Jesse received emergency cash assistance for food and weekly, he receives groceries and non-perishable items weekly from TUC’s food distribution in partnership with the Alameda County Community Food Bank, World Central Kitchen, and the Eat. Learn. Play Foundation.
“I receive $190 a month for food (through CAL-Fresh),” said Jesse. I run short on food for myself and my pregnant wife and this help does wonders. This money allows me to focus on bills, rent, and the well-being of family.”
Jesse’s wife was also referred to TUC’s Brilliant Baby, a program helping parents and guardians advance their baby’s academic and socio-emotional development during the first critical years of life. Through Brilliant Baby, they were able to open a $500 college account for their expected child. His family also moved into Casa Arabella in the spring.
The Unity Council is a special place in his heart, according to Jesse given the amount of love and respect received since day one.
“I’ve never been judged or belittled here,” said Jesse. “Instead, the staff is always there to root you on. This place turns chances into champions.”