My name is Celeste Adames, I am a senior at Oakland High and an intern with The Unity Council’s Development & Communications team. There are so many things I wish I would have known my freshman year that would have made the first year of high school easier, but I cannot go back in time. Instead, I want to share five tips that helped me survive and succeed my freshman year:
- Get a Planner: Staying organized is what I wish I was able to do during my freshman year. Having a planner will allow you to see what needs to be done and when! Keeping a planner with me in every class helped me maintain good grades.
- Find Classes BEFORE 1st day: Because your classes may be far from each other, finding your classes and establishing a route from class to class will help you avoid crowded halls. Avoiding crowded halls allows you to get to class on time.
- Introduce Yourself to Your Teachers: These are people you are going to learn from throughout the year! Teachers want their students to talk to them and ask them for help because that’s their job!
- Know Who’s in Your Classes: Don’t be shy to meet new people in new environments. Talking to the people around you will help you in the long run! Knowing the people you have classes with allows you to get help on the homework and to just have a friend!
- Get Bus/Bart Ticket: Being a high schooler costs money, especially when you rely on public transportation to get you to school and home. If you are an OUSD student, save yourself some money by asking your school for a free 30-day public transportation pass!