Fruitvale Chrismas Tree Lighting / Iluminación del Arbol de Navidad de Fruitvale
WHEN: Saturday, December 2nd at 6 PM
WHERE: At the corner of International Blvd. and 35th Ave.
Chrismas Carols / Posadas y Villancicos
WHEN: Saturday, December 16th, starting at 4:00 PM
WHERE: At the corner of International Blvd. and 35th Ave.
After caroling, we will celebrate at Avenida de la Fuente Plaza between International Blvd and East 12th St. There will be tamales, ponche, buñuelos, candy, etc.
Después de villancicos, celebraremos en Avenida de la Fuente Plaza entre International Blvd y East 12th St. Habrá tamales, ponche, buñuelos, dulces, etc.
For more info contact Maria Sanchez at 510-535-6919 or email mlsanchez@unitycouncil.org