The Unity Council in collaboration with Lifelong Educational Opportunities (LEO) Center is offering English classes at the Fruitvale Career Center located at 1900 Fruitvale Oakland, CA. 94601.
The LEO Center is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit that provides English Language instruction in both speaking and writing to all levels of students. We are specially geared for those students who have little fluency in English.
We offer: Help with everyday conversational speaking, passing driver license written test, and medical or government forms and more!
Hours: Classes are Monday to Thursday 5-8PM
Three Terms:
- Summer Session: June 18, 2018, to August 23, 2018
- Fall Session: September 4, 2018, to December 20, 2018
- Spring Session: January 7, 2019, to May 30, 2019
Cost: $30 per term (If you attend to every single class, The Unity Council will waive the fee of the class)
We welcome everyone!
For more information contact The Unity Council’s Career Center at 510-535-6101 or email onestop@unitycouncil.org