On Tuesday, November 22nd, Comcast announced it will be awarding an additional $1 million in grants to 100 small businesses owned by women and people of color, including Black, Indigenous, Hispanic, and Asian American owners, among others, in Oakland. Oakland was one of five cities, including Chicago, Miami, Oakland, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., that was selected to award a $10,000 grant to 100 local businesses from the Comcast RISE Investment Fund, for a total of $5 million across 500 businesses.
Through Comcast RISE, the company also announced it will support 13,000 small businesses, owned by people of color and women, with monetary grants; a TV campaign, production of a TV commercial or consulting services from Effectv; or computer equipment, internet, voice, or cybersecurity from Comcast Business by the end of 2022.
A total of 100 Oakland Businesses were selected for this benefit. Thanks to our Small Business Assistance Team, we were able to directly support 31 businesses with applications. Out of those that applied, 8 TUC diverse businesses secured this critical Comcast RISE funding aid.
Many of the businesses that received the Comcast grant had not received any type of Covid-19 relief funding. We are so thrilled that Comcast RISE selected these establishments to ensure they were supported with aid this time around
On behalf of our Oakland small business community, THANK YOU Comcast RISE for you unwavering support!
Stay connected with our Oakland Comcast Rise Awardees: