The Unity Council serves 187 Early Head Start children, and 180 Head Start children throughout our Concord and Oakland grantee-operated programs.
The 2016-2017 school year was the third full year of operation for the Concord programs. We have two child care partners in Concord. Concord Child Care Center, a NAEYC Accredited program, serves both Early Head Start and Head Start aged children with a center-based model. Cambridge Community Center offers full-day and part-day services for Head Start children with a center-based model.
Starting in September 2016, we increased our number of direct-operated slots by 20 in Concord Head Start. These 20 slots were moved from our partnership with Cambridge Community Center and a new classroom opened in fall 2016. In Oakland, partnership organizations include Alameda County of Education to provide services to pregnant and parenting teens.