Contrary to some belief, immigrants of all statuses pay millions of dollars in federal taxes every year. National Public Radio (NPR) approached our organization to learn more about this myth-busting fact and on Tax Day they published a radio story on their nationally syndicated show, Morning Edition. Each year our VITA site helps hundreds of families get free tax-preparation help each year, whether they have a Social Security Number or not. “We’ll help everyone,” Clarissa Johnson, our VITA Site Coordinator. recently told NPR’s Richard Gonzalez. “We don’t ask them about their immigration status. That is between them and the tax preparer and that is confidential.”
Each year our VITA site helps hundreds of families get free tax-preparation help each year, whether they have a Social Security Number or not. “We’ll help everyone,” Clarissa Johnson, our VITA Site Coordinator. recently told NPR’s Richard Gonzalez. “We don’t ask them about their immigration status. That is between them and the tax preparer and that is confidential.”
In a political and social climate where fear and distrust of immigrant communities is growing, it’s incredibly important that journalists help to dispel hurtful myths about immigrants. We are proud that NPR partnered with us to share this story.
You can listen to the full story on NPR’s website, here. Learn more about our VITA services here.