We just wrapped up our #EastBayGives campaign, and despite numerous technical glitches on the East Bay Gives site, our incredible donors still helped us secure a prize of $3,500 from the East Bay Community Foundation for having the most donors of all Community Improvement organizations from 7am – 8am.
We couldn’t have done it without them – thank you, donors!
And, a big Thank You to our corporate donor Douglas Parking for donating $2,500 to our Spring campaign. Douglas Parking operates the parking lot in Fruitvale Village, and has been a loyal supporter and neighbor for many years. We couldn’t do it without them. Thank you Douglas Parking!
The first $2,500 we raised will go to buying new laptop computers for our VITA program. The laptops we use to serve nearly 900 low-income families each to file their taxes for free each season were once upon a time state of the art — back in 2009! They are now nearly a decade old and it shows. We are so grateful for donors for helping us replace these essential tools.